Shanti Sahyog



‘For a Just World Free of Poverty & Violence’

In alignment with
UN SDG 1: No Poverty 

UN SDG 16: Peace

‘Poverty is the Worst Form of Violence’-Mahatma Gandhi

Greatly inspired by Gandhi’s belief that, “An ounce of practice is better than a ton of theory”, the Shanti Sahyog team is deeply committed to the practical application of the Gandhian values of Satya, Ahimsa, Sewa – Truth, Nonviolence, Service in society.

Satya – Truth

“But deep down in me I used to say… God is Truth, above all … But two years ago, I went a step further and said Truth is God… And I came to that conclusion after a continuous and relentless search after Truth which began nearly fifty years ago.” Gandhi

Ahimsa – Nonviolence

“The Law of Nonviolence which is the Law of Love is the Law of our Species” Gandhi

Sewa – Service

“Man becomes great exactly in the degree in which he works for the welfare of his fellow-men.” Gandhi

‘It May be Long Before The Law of Love will be Recognized in International Affairs. The Machinaries of Government Stand Between and Hide the Hearts of One People from Those of Another’-Mahatma Gandhi

‘The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others’-Mahatma Gandhi


MISSION To help individuals and communities break the cycle of poverty that prevents them from reaching their full potential.’